Good Apple Award Nomination Form

Return the completed form to the School Principal

The most valuable assets of the East Hampton Public Schools are our more than 300 employees — our teachers, office staff, IT staff, paraeducators, interventionists, custodians, food service workers, bus drivers, nurses, substitutes, administrators, and all others who contribute daily to the education of East Hampton children. Each has an integral role to play in the overall successful operation of the school system.

To recognize the outstanding contributions of the many people who are helping to ensure that East Hampton Public Schools are “opening doors to inspire every student to dream, discover, and achieve,” the GOOD APPLE AWARD continues as a proud tradition of our district. All employees of the East Hampton Public Schools are eligible to receive a Good Apple Award. Please note — past recipients of the Good Apple Award may be considered.

Glass Good Apple Award


We honored our East Hampton Good Apples at Convocation on Tuesday, August 22rd, 2023.
Good Apples are those staff members who make the
East Hampton Public Schools an outstanding school district as a result of their dedication and effort.


Memorial School Good Apples

 Meghan Wood

Ms. Wood has shown outstanding dedication to her work and has gone above and beyond to support her students.  As a parent of a child who has faced behavioral challenges, I have seen first-hand how Ms. Wood ‘s approach to education is built on the “relationship first” model.  She understands the importance of building trust with her students and has made a special connection with my child that has helped her feel comfortable and supported in the school community.  Her personalized approach to helping my child has given me piece-of-mind as a parent knowing my child has a trusted adult to turn to at school who truly cares about her well-being.  Ms. Wood is an absolute gem and is a shining example of what it means to be an outstanding staff member in East Hampton Public Schools.

(parent nominated)



Center School Good Apples

Shannon Stockburger

Shannon Stockburger, Center School STARS Teacher, is always looking out for the well-being of her students and staff members.  She goes out of her way each-and-every day to make sure her students have the best and safest day possible. Shannon is able to quickly work to problem solve any situation that arises at a moment's notice, no matter how extreme it may be.  She immediately puts the safety of her students first without any hesitation.  Her professional and caring manner is admirable, and she has that special ability to find the best ways to help her students make good choices.  Students are very receptive to her compassionate and patient manner.  Shannon has made such a positive impact on so many students and staff over many years.  

Without a doubt, she is very well deserving of receiving a Good Apple Award.


Middle School Good Apples

Jen Palma

Jen Palma is the ultimate example of a good apple.  Jen goes above and beyond for every student she works with and values the importance of building a positive relationship with each one.  As shared by a colleague and student, “I would like to nominate Mrs. Palma because she is so caring to all students and respectful to their needs and wants.  She is just nice!”.  Another student wrote, “Mrs. Palma is very deserving of the good apple award.  This is because every morning she says hi to me and starts my day off in a good mood.  Mrs. Palma also has a unique teaching style for kids to help engage them and keep them calm.”  With any student or family in need, Mrs. Palma is the first to ask what we can do to help.    She is an incredible asset to our building and enhances our community at East Hampton Middle School. 

We are lucky to have her.


High School Good Apples

Cathy Morsey

Cathy is an indispensable member of the EHHS Special Education Department. Cathy works tirelessly in support of her students and is always willing to lend a helping hand whenever it is needed. During the winter, Cathy can be found greeting fans at home basketball games as a member of the Athletic Staff. She is an avid supporter of EHHS student athletes. In the spring, due to illness of a staff member, Cathy stepped in and ran the Unified Sports Club on her own time to ensure that her students would not lose out on an important opportunity during the school year.

  Cathy Morsey is truly a Good Apple.



Central Office

Central Office Good Apple

Rodney Mosier

Rod Mosier deserves more than a Good Apple, he deserves an entire Apple Tree.  Rod is one of the most patient people and a considerate leader in our district.  All who work with Rod, know he is a phone call or email away from solving a problem, brainstorming a solution, or just unburdening staff of their concerns.  His day is spent overseeing programs, many of which he has designed, that are centers of learning, compassion, and student-centric programming.  His positon often gets little credit for the big role that it is.  At the end of the day, Rod having answered questions and concerns, and putting in a solid day’s work relaxes with a heavy dose of running, swimming, and biking.  And, if he skips one during the night, he picks up in the morning at 5:00 AM with another round of traning.  Rod is a regular Iron Man participant, having qualified and competed last year in the International Iron Man in Hawaii.  Round is also an Iron Man when it comes to his job.  Every day is a bit of a marathon – and he has never slowed down. 

Rod is a superb example of the Good Apple honoree!



Central Office Good Apple Awardee

Neil Shilansky

Neil Shilansky was very active during this year’s budget season attending Board meetings, January – March (as well as most of the year).  In particular, this year’s budget process was marked by very large crowds of parents, teachers, and staff members as well as the presence of every television network’s cameras at Town Council meetings, but a lot of the important effort took place behind the scenes.

One of our own- Neil Shilanksy, behind the scenes, worked to make sure that teachers and staff were present.  But more importantly, he stood outside on the street corner greeting commuters in the mornings, proudly waving budget referendum signs – often alone.

The work did not stop after Referendum #1.  On July 10, the afternoon and evening before the referendum, Neil stood at the end of Community Drive at the intersection of Route 66 with a reminder sign to vote YES on the next day’s referendum. It was a sunny, hot, and humid afternoon.  He waved the sign with a smile on his face – accompanied by his wife, who works for the Granby schools.

A kind-natured teacher, a conscientious president of the teachers’ union, Neil is determined when he needs to be – and compassionate, always.

Neil Shilansky, you are a Good Apple to all us!